
"At first meeting it is a "generosity that sparkles” that seems to emanate from Agnės Bouche Barbare and that is exactly what we find in her paintings.

First of all, it's the sense of color and  shape that dominate. Later when the eye looks deeper, transparencies disappear to yield a sense of the underlying existence of something different, far away from just the material used in the work’s creation.

The feeling is something light and merry, very happy and full of life, a much like a party. Because Agnes's inspiration is transparent from the raw materials she uses as a support to the magic of her vision.

The work is stunningly unique and harmonious."

Brigitte Forest, journalist - FRANCE INTER



The word seems too vast, too vague. The immobility of a tree is only an illusion. Under the bark, its sap circulates unceasingly in a fine tissue of narrow canals: the inner bark or phloem, liber in French. Strangely, this capillarity gives birth to thought in living beings like us. Separated from its outer skin, this inner bark was used by our remote ancestors to form their first letters and attempt to pass on to us their history and their mysteries. The Latin word liber (meaning book and free) gave rise in due course to the French words « livre » and « liberté ». The creations of Agnès resemble great books in which, under the immobility of their signs, meaning and feeling circulate. Between thought and its medium, the sap of colours forms patterns of liberty. The word ‘painting’ is too vast, too vague… Every creation of Agnès is a liber.

Jean Joseph Julaud, author -


Personal message from an artist living in freedom

The fabulous world of Agnès is an invitation to turn one’s back on gloom and recover the pleasure of smiling. The creations of Agnès lead you to give a voice to your inner child.

Gaiety, joie de vivre, colour and warmth: rarely has an artist given so much of herself, her irrepressible energy, her love of life, her delight in being. Because life is delightful and Agnès offers us her share of it.

Her creations testify to what is most pure and concentrated in us, the energy of childhood. Her libers are an allegory of life.

The pieces are separate but make up a whole that is in our image like universe of which we all form part. Her work is in her image, and it never ceases to surprise us, for Agnès resembles nobody else. She shapes life like a work of art, this tremendous life of happiness and cruelty, with a unique talent.

She creates as she breathes, with courage, passion, curiosity and desire. She bears all the positive energy that a human being can hold and offer. Her creations pass on to us this vital energy, genuine talismans, painted charms. They are an invitation into the life of an artist and a woman living in freedom.

Karine Zibaut, author and photograph -

In Deco Mag magazine July/august 2015 :